LAU Health Clinics


The services provided include:

Specialties available

Family physicians are available at the Health Clinics on a daily basis. Additional physicians in different specialties (Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Pulmonary, Cardiology, and others) will start providing care at the campus clinics in the very near future.

Payment for Services

LAU community member participants in the “LAU Preferred Health” plan benefit from a cashless payment for medical consultations, while others receive a medical consultation for illness at a reduced rate compared to substantially higher costs outside the LAU Health campus clinics.

The medical services provided by the nurses are free of charge.

In case of Emergency

The Registered Nurse (RN) responds to medical emergencies that arise on-campus. After evaluation of the case, s/he determines whether a consultation with a physician is necessary. If the patient’s condition requires immediate medical attention and the physicians are not available, the RN refers the patient to the ER of the nearest LAU Medical Center after coordination with the LAU Health clinic physician on-call.  

After Office Hours

The LAU Health Clinics do not operate after office hours, weekends, or holidays. 

In the event of a medical emergency after office hours, you can proceed immediately to the emergency room of a hospital, or call the security guards who would coordinate with the healthcare professional on-call to provide appropriate assistance. For life-threatening health emergencies, the security guard calls the Red Cross or the Civil Defense for medical assistance and transfer to the nearest hospital.